Q fever vaccine

Welcome to COX-SAVE

Innovation in the development of a safe Q fever vaccine by electron beam inactivation of coxiella.

About the project: New approaches in vaccine development against coxiellosis

Coxiellosis is a serious problem in small and large ruminant livestock farming, caused by the zoonotic bacterium Coxiella (C.) burnetii. The pathogen can lead to significant economic losses due to e.g. increased abortion rates, postpartum behavior and pathogen excretion in the milk, as well as causing increased use of antibiotics due to the treatment of accompanying clinical symptoms.


The COX-SAVE research network is taking up this challenge and is working on the development of a modern vaccine using "Low Energy Electron Irradiation (LEEI)", which should offer long-lasting protection, minimize side effects and thus make an important contribution to animal health management and reduce the use of antibiotics in the context of One Health.

The COX-SAVE consortium focuses on four work packages that specifically address various vaccine biology challenges in order to develop a new safe Q fever vaccine.

Development of a LEEl-C. burnetii vaccine candidate, focus on irradiation parameters and antigen quality for an effective vaccine.

Work package 1: Vaccine development and optimization

Detailed investigation of the LEEl-C. burnetii vaccine antigen using modern analytical methods for optimized immune response.

Work package 2: In-depth biochemical analysis

Use of the LEEl-C. burnetii vaccine in sheep and cattle to determine the optimal dosage and to validate the vaccine’s safety.

Work package 3: Vaccine application and safety

Investigation of the humoral and cellular immune response after vaccination to confirm the protective effect and efficacy of the vaccine.

Work package 4: Immune response and efficacy

Aims and background

Development of an improved Q fever vaccine using LEEI technology.

About us


Information about Q-Fever

Q-GAPS network

Project partners

Prof. Dr. Martin Ganter (Coordinator)

University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover, Foundation, Clinic for Swine and Small Ruminants, Forensic Medicine and Ambulatory Service

Dr. Jasmin Fertey &.
Dr. Gustavo Rodrigues Makert dos Santos

Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology 

Dr. Katja Mertens-Scholz

Friedrich-Loeffler-lnstitut (Jena)

PD Dr. Michael R. Knittler &
PD Dr. Benjamin U. Bauer

Friedrich-Loeffler-lnstitut (Riems Island)

Dr. Femke Hollwedel (Project Management)

WDT - Serum plant Memsen

Institutions involved

Do you have any questions or need further information? Do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your inquiry!

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